Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Cold Snap

I fear my apple orchard is doomed for yet another year.  Two years ago conditions were perfect for a booming crop of apples.  I've been told my old orchard, which date back many decades, is too old and not worth saving.  The bountiful crop of two years ago proved them wrong.  The sheep grew fat on the apples as I left almost all of them on the ground for the flock.  Frost zapped the blossoms last year, and, sadly, it's happened again. It was 20 F. this morning on the farm, today, May 14.  The weather here in the North Land is fickle and harsh.  Just when we thought winter was behind us we are lighting the wood stove again.  My newborns are all in sweaters.  I am expecting four or five more births and I was sure they would come last night in the wee hours when I am the least prepared to keep them from freezing.  I went out between three and four and found nothing but big round moms.  One girl is so heavy with babies she can hardly lift herself up.  I found her one morning last week, on her back, unable to roll over and right herself.  The babies on either side weight them down.  That position is deadly for sheep and goats as they can suffocate.  Luckily I looked to that side of the barn and saw her before I left for work.  When I got her turned over she staggered dizzily away.  Warm weather is coming tomorrow and we should be out of the woods, but with no apples to look forward to in the fall.  Whatever will I tell Lilly?

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