Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Back on the Farm

The first mile is the hardest.  Kim and I left the farm on Thursday before noon and drove due South in gorgeous weather.  We parked in our favorite spot next to our building and emptied the van contents into our booth space.  I always have to resist the desire to kiss the ground when I get to Md. Sheep and Wool.  There is just*so*much*hard*work* involved in making product and getting ready.  Once I am there I am totally relaxed because I know the show will be fantastic.  It always is.   Annie and Hannah pulled in on Friday and helped us set up the booth.  We sat in the glorious sunshine in our grassy campsite and wrapped soap on Friday afternoon.   With vendors pulling in and unloading sheep, the fairgrounds started getting busy.   The temps dropped down to 40 at night, making our cargo van, not more than a big tin can, quite the refrigerator.  Luckily we had multiple sleeping bags and blankets to keep us warm.  I tried reading a book but my hand outside of the mummy bag couldn't hold it up any longer.  Yes, it was that cold...but it's okay, as the wool purchases were brisk.  Kim and Annie brought coffee pots and water steamers.  I always had a cup of coffee or tea prepared for me throughout the weekend.  When Saturday morning rolled around Mia appeared, having braved the famous Maryland Sheep and Wool traffic jams.  My team was complete and it was all systems go.


  1. Linda6:33 AM

    Thanks for the MDSW update. I hope it was a terrific show for you and yours. Am able to attend Rhinebeck this year so will stop by to restock handcreme and fibre.

  2. Hi Maggie,

    When I saw the photo, I realized it's me!!! So great to see you again at MSW along with Hannah, Kimmie, Annie, and a fleeting glance of Mia.

    As always, fantastic colors and so fun to spin. Your rovings have absolutely led me to expect such easy spinning-literally gliding like butter -from any other rovings that I buy.



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