Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Maryland Waits for No Woman

The last few days before Maryland Sheep and Wool are very busy.  With school and commuting, dinner and doggies, then sheep and chores, I can't start working on product until around ten at night.  At twelve I make myself go to bed but would prefer to stay up later.  Six am comes way too soon.  My booth will be stuffed with many wonderful quality hand made things, just the way I like it.   I'm happy that my daughter in law Annie has joined the Maggie's Farm team, along with Sharon from school who is busy wrapping soap all this week.  Many hands make the load lighter.  Mia will be coming too.  What a fabulous girl-time we will have at night when the festival patrons are gone home and we can party.  I'm waiting on my beeswax and lavender so I can make Shepherd's Friend Hand Creme all weekend.  I'm excited about seeing the festival friends I only see once or twice a year.  It's hugs and catching up all day long. 
Maryland is so beautiful this time of year.  Travelling there from our northern climate is like stepping into summer.  I hate leaving the farm, with goat babies due any minute, but I tell them all that Mommy is doing this for them.  I'm thrilled to report that my Nubian goat, Fancy, is pregnant!  I'm hoping her partner, Metilda, is pregnant, too.  Goat milk for soap and us!  Now to sew a while before beddy-bye.

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