Saturday, April 13, 2013


Miss a day in my diary and there's too much to report.  Went back to work yesterday and worried about goats giving birth all day.  I have a few months of sick days saved up but I have that "ethic" thing going.  We are having vehicle challenges and I had to take Matt's ancient Saturn which cannot be driven over 40 mph without terrible clanking noises.  His commute to Syracuse is twice the length of mine on busier roads so he took my ancient Blazer.  When I got three or four angry drivers behind me I just pulled over and let them pass.  I had to rush out of school at 3 to get to Hamilton Village office to hand in my farmer's market application before the absolute latest time of 4 pm.  At 40 mph it took me a while to get there.  Then there were the stops for lye, olive oil and cat food.  Another 17 miles home to the farm and I rush in to find the goat mommies lying about, chewing their cud.  No babies.  Last night I thought for sure there was one coming.  I got the doggies out for our spa walk up the big hill and around the pond.  Sometimes I mill around for a while after I get home from school, getting nothing done, trying to get my head on straight.  I have heavy people and kid contact all day, so different from my GED job downstairs.  Now, in the art room which is right smack in the middle of the upstairs wing, we have staff and kids wandering in all day long.  No such thing as retreating behind my desk to spin a little on  the hidden wheel.  It really did settle me when the going got rough.  I have so much to do to get ready for Maryland it makes my head spin.  Best thing to do is just get busy and do it.  A little grass is coming up, but with this cold, wet, spring - which is normal for this area but last year spoiled us - the green stuff is not exactly bursting out of the ground.  I hate this hay but Matt likes the guy and is willing to go and get it for us.  I'll have to pull all the sticks out of the hay feeders.  The grass can't grow fast enough for me and my sheep.  Patchouli soap on deck for today, between baby-watching trips out to the barn.  That will make me feel much, much better.  Love the stuff.  20 totes hanging ready for tags.  I have such little time to sew that it is a delight, not a chore, for me.  I stay in the chair in front of the machine until my back and body says no more, you have to lie down.  I got such a good night sleep last night it was beautiful, until the dogs woke me up before six.  If I don't take them out Cooper starts to eat the wall around the door.  Pulled on boots and jacket and ran up to the pond in the mist with them.  It was delightful.  Will be happy when I have sheep grazing all around me on those walks.

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