Thursday, March 07, 2013

World of Wonder

My little as yet un-named goat kid is curious about the chickens that float in and out of his pen.  He is adorable, and I love his little sweater.  I crocheted this lamb sweater a while back instead of knitting it.  The double crochet stitches work great and the sweater does not shift around his little body.  I am still amazed that more people don't try this approach to keeping their newborns warm instead of heat lamps.  The lamps are costly and require plugging in to an outlet which is not always nearby.  The baby can move away from the beam of heat and still freeze.  The sweater stays on, yet can pull off if the lamb or kid gets caught on something.  The cape keeps the back and rump warm while allowing pee and poo to fall freely.  I will write the crochet instructions down soon.  I'm about to rush home and check for more goat babies.  If this little guy was born, well, you know there could be others.  Goat mothers are fantastic.  I've only had one BAD goat mother in all these years of raising angoras and that was not entirely her fault.  I found the mom in the throes of labor and something was wrong.  The baby was stuck, probably a shoulder on the mom's pelvis born.  I got the baby unstuck and delivered safely, but mom was so traumatized by the pain and my interference that she never wanted that little black doe.  I adore black doe kids. 

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