Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sewing in School

We are working on our Eco-Totes in Studio Art.  The kids are doing a great job and learning many important skills including the importance of doing small things to help the environment as in avoiding plastic bags in favor of reusable cloth totes, how to raise funds for their cause, and, my favorite, how to sew.  It is harder than you think.  Sewing requires hand-eye-foot coordination and focus on the task.  We measure the seams and draw lines to sew on but still wander off course at times.  The constant re-threading and bobbin-winding of a bargain basement machine can be maddening for a kid who wants instant gratification.  Somehow we managed a nice pile of cut out totes, with the nifty recycling logo, for us to sew the rest of this week.  We are hoping to open a little kiosk in the hall next week.  If we sell our Eco-totes we will buy much needed art supplies and have ourselves a pizza party.  Sounds like a plan...

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