Friday, March 01, 2013

Oh, So Sweet

Not even a barn full of sheep can keep me from missing my kids.  Oh, they were so sweet.  If only I could have them back to do it all over again.  They are all grown up now.  Eric has his own Boy Scout Council in Portland, Maine - the Pine Tree Council.  He is very successful in his new position.  He says, "They love me."  What's not to love?  Father Aaron is joining the Episcopal Church,  and will be official as of September 7.  I hope to attend the ceremony at Grace Church in Las Vegas.  AJ is busy ministering to his Army troops and just finished a "Strong Bonds" weekend with single soldiers at a desert retreat.   Mia is very busy with her surgery group in Morristown.  She is a Nurse Practitioner for two busy surgeons and routinely puts in 12 hour days.  Tonight she is off to ski in Vermont where Killington has been blessed with 14 inches of snow.  The kids are all grown up and have demanding and rewarding lives of their own.  I think I'll go hug a lamb.

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