Thursday, March 21, 2013


Knew it would be cold but minus 8 F.?  Good thing I had that pot of mohair on the milk room stove last night.  Not even bubbling but was warm enough to keep the pipes from freezing last night.  Good thing - my morning bath is near and dear to my heart.  It warms up all these achy bones and gets me in the right frame of mind for the day.  The day was going fine, and I was really feeling good about it, with a reluctant student agreeing to do some sewing on the Eco-shopping totes we are making for an art supply fund raiser.   Had a nice lunch with some students, including one who would be implicated in a prank that could have gone badly.   We were painting a scene from Monet's Giverny garden, and the kids left the room for their next class.  I sat on the edge of the sewing machine chair thinking I would work on the totes, when I felt something sharp.  I put my hand behind my behind and felt pins in the chair!  Someone had inserted six long dressmaker pins from the side of the chair with the sharp points slanted up.  My heavy wool trousers protected me but I surely would have taken the brunt of it if I sat down hard on the full seat.  An administrator was in the hall and I called her in.  She took the chair for evidence and began gathering the usual suspects.  I work with some troubled kids.   It goes with the territory.  I'm relieved that by sitting on the edge of the chair I only got a tiny prick and did not give them the thrill of a full-fledged scream, the little buggers.  They are all blaming each other now, and administration is taking it very seriously.  I will certainly look where I am sitting from now on.    Studio Art is going well and I have a lovely exhibit in the hall with various student interpretations of Van Gogh's Starry Night.  Another one is going up with Monet's Impressionist paintings.  I love painting, and  do it a lot with my students.  It's relaxing, absorbing, and a very cost effective activity, and brings out the artist within.  I will definitely look before I lower the tush from now on.    I took the doggies up the big hill in the snow when I got home.  OH, it's so beautiful out there now, with the bright spring light reflecting off the snow and lovely cloudscapes every where I turn.  Izzy got his feet frozen and I turned around to see him way behind, painfully trying to step in my foot prints.  I scooped him up and carried him down on my shoulder, with him giving me little wet kisses all the way down, between snarles and growles at the big dogs down below.  I love my little Izzy - he's all spirit and sweetness.  On deck for tonight - finish this delicious dinner I've made for myself (spouse is working late) - angel hair pasta with raw baby spinach, spicy blueberry vinegar and parmesan cheese with a liberal sprinkling of veggie pepper.  Hmmmm, good.  I'll take care of the critters in the barn, the cast of hundreds, and wash that mohair I cooked last night.  I might need another pot on the stove tonight. Have to check the weather forecast.  The wood stove is humming and this apartment will be an oven when I get back inside.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    This must have been a traumatizing experience. I am glad you did not get seriously hurt.


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