Thursday, March 14, 2013

Birthday Boy

Matt, reluctant farmer spouse, AKA Wild Irish Boy, AKA Beasty Boy, AKA "Tex" or whatever I can come up with when I'm having retrieval problems, celebrated his 57th birthday on March 12.  I like to call him My Old Man, but that's the funny part because he is younger than me.  He is catching up with me, however, but I can still outwork him around the barn.  Don't tell him I said that.  He has brute strength, or what's left of it, but I have longevity.  I just keep going, slowly but surely.  I made him the obligatory birthday dinner and presented him with his favorite after shave - Old Spice, of course.  He likes it because the girls notice it and tell him it reminds them of their grandfathers.  Yes, Matt will take attention from the ladies any way he can get it. 


  1. Happy Birthday, Matt!

  2. awww Happy birthday - a little late :)


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