Sunday, March 10, 2013


Lovely weather today, had to take off my sweatshirt in the barn while forking hay.  I have mohair drying on the rack outside.  It is still frozen into the snow, but there's a warmish breeze blowing and sunny.   I got two big Mother Fiber Roving runs together and loaded in the truck to ship to the carding mill.  Always a big relief when they are on the way.  It's very exciting to open the box when they come back.  I never know exactly how the colors and fibers I've chosen will come together.  John has been my "personal carder" for many years now.  He is a master at variegating the colors for maximum effect.  I was very disappointed to learn that Frankenmuth will no longer travel to shows.  Abby Frankenmuth's new husband decided it was not cost effective.  They will ship back to the shepherd postage free.  Works for me.  As long a John cards my wool. I've decide to work on a new version of Pacifica next, as I have some purple and apple green done already. All I need is teal, sky blue, and more pink.  I'm very happy to be past the fiber and able to concentrate on designing Bundaflicka knitting totes and yarn pockets, along with soap and hand creme.  The fiber is sooo labor intensive, but it is a gift from the angels in the barn and it thrills me.  

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