Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Wool to Live

I pulled two lovely BFL fleeces out of the pile last night for me to dive into when Annie pulls away with Hannah and Luke.  Sheep are a great way to absorb any time and energy that might be spent feeling sorry for one's self.  I would have Hannah and Luke here for the rest of the week if my school district had not decided to cut our vacation in half and make us return tomorrow.  Curses.  We have not had a single day of school cancelled due to snow.  One would think they could give us a break.  No deal.  The Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival site is up, which is a signal to get it in high gear.  This is my chance to move my wool.  It moves better when it is dyed and carded so here we go.  Places to dry wet wool in the winter time are hard to come by.  I use a table in the "spare" room where I can close the door and turn on the baseboard heater.  Right now this little room is piled high with fabric and carded fiber already.  There is only so much space in a 1,200 square foot apartment.  I have other things to worry about like getting taxes together, shoot me now, and the bureaucratic demands of a teaching job that have nothing to do with teaching.  Let's not go there.   Okay?   I still have a few hours of vacation left.  I'm going to finish the last few pages of Sheepish today, which is getting better and better with each chapter.  Have to find Catherine Friend's previous book, Hit By A Farm, which i should have read first.  She started Sheepish being wary of fanatical fiber freaks and evelved into quite the fiber artist herself and a crusader for wool.   I was hoping to get another snow ball fight and sledding runs in before Hannah and Luke leave but maybe not.  Eric is very much missing his little family and needs them home.  Hannah is having a rough time with hay allergies and is piling up the tissues.   Luke is such good company in the barn with his gung-ho let's get to work attitude.  What a sweetie.  I know he will be back, but Hannah is a young lady now and will be working at the Boy Scout Camp Hinds in Maine this summer.  Where did the years go?  I'll snuggle with Izzy, who likes to keep me company when I sew, and play with wool.

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