Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Drying Debacle

It's that time again - picking, washing, dyeing, washing again and drying all the beautiful fleeces my animals have gifted me with.  I firmly believe I could do a much better job of moving my wool, if I could only stay home and do it, and if I had a partner to help out.  I know, I know, everyone listens to me whine this time of year when I'm gearing up for the new season of sheep shows and farmer's market.   To think I actually had a chance to scoop up Vanessa of Nessland, when she approached me at Rhinebeck two years ago.  What a dynamic fiber artist.  She is now living happily in Colorado, designing and spinning.  I wish her well.  I'm not really set up for a live in apprentice but I do have Hannah's little trailer out there....Anyway, I am hanging up the fabulous LL Bean string hammock Annie presented me with when she picked up the kids.  It will make a great drying rack if I can keep the cats off it.  My drying table in the tiny "guest" room is piled high with a mountain of fabric Matt made me move off the kitchen table when Eric and Annie were coming.  I look at that pile as a beautiful representation of all the hay and fencing I will be able to buy when I turn it into Bundaflicka Knitting Totes and Yarn Pockets, but spouse can't make that stretch.  The kitchen table is now being used for cutting out totes while the wool is on the table I was supposed use for cutting out in my work room in progress.  This shifting around of materials is very frustrating.   With all the moves I've made in the search for peace in my life, and the limited space I have available for me to "create," it's amazing I'm able to do as much as I can.  Flash back to the sewing machine in the middle of the dark hay mow....I brought home  my beautiful little old Singer which had the table ripped off when a student decided to sit on it.  It is now in the middle of my little apartment, plugged in and working without a table to rest the fabric on while I sew.  I'm not willing to share her any longer.  The search continues for more donation machines to use with students, but they always come with "issues" which is why the people gave them away in the first place.   On deck for me today:  get the hammock hanging so I can rinse and spread out the fiber I picked and cooked yesterday which will free up the machine and stove to wash and dye the fleece I picked last night.  I have to figure out how to pull off the lesson I have in mind for the new class of cute little kids that are coming in to my art room first thing in the morning.  I want to make hats while reading Dr. Seuss's 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, but don't have the book and can't figure out how to search the school library on line.  I'm hoping my talented art aide, Fawn, is rolling some ideas around in her head right now.  That girl is so clever and much more tekkie than I am.  

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