Saturday, February 09, 2013


With much sensationalist hype about the Blizzard of the Century we find ourselves enjoying a rather normal snowfall here in the Middle of New York.  I say middle because if you put your finger in the exact middle of the State of New York there I am.  We waited all day in school for the Big Storm to hit.  Several of our sending districts cancelled school but we did have some students.  Not one flake came down all day.  I thought I would have some time to do things after school, like make the pay-day trip to the Price Chopper across town in the wrong direction.  I don't often go there as I'm always trying to get home to the farm as fast as I can.  They have some amazing deals and give a gasoline discount for shopping at Price Chopper.   I managed to hit:

Hayes Office Supply to ship 8 pounds of turquoise Merino to the mill for a felting batt
The Pink Door thrift shop next to Hayes where I scored a Harris Tweed sports jacket that fits me perfectly (I love men's clothes), a perfect vintage 100% cashmere v-neck pullover camel colored sweater and a pair of navy blue Ralph Lauren corduoroy pants all for $9.50 cents!!
Post office to ship Donna Dundon's package of soap and creme - she traded for some fabulous Jabo organic  block printed hoodies and tee shirts.  Donna and I worked at Voorhees High School together, now she lives and teaches in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Price Chopper where I splurged on things like Greek pasta salad from the deli and Danish Blue Cheese.
Tractor Supply where I stocked up on Penicillin and syringes.
Sunoco gas where I spent my Price Chopper gas discount.

While I was supporting the local Norwich economy the storm hit.  I crept home on roads getting covered very quickly.  Windshield wipers don't really help in heavy snow fall.  Thankfully there were enough reflector posts on tight turns and front porch lights here and there on King's Settlement Road to keep me from driving down into the ravines.  I confess it was comforting to see some locals still had their Christmas lights on way out in the fields.  I made it to New Berlin going 25 mph tops.  Ten more miles to go.  Went in and got my NY Times.and had a lively conversation with Linda Foote who teaches crafts locally and at an art college in Utica.  It took the edge off of my scary commute in the storm.  Got back in the truck and limped along to Brookfield, followed by a giant tractor trailer truck no doubt from the Chobani factory four miles from my farm.  Too bad - he had to ride my bumper for at least eight miles.   Doggies and kitties happy to see me after a day with Grumpy who didn't give them any treats I'm sure.   I made wraps with provolone and cole slaw for a quick dinner then out to chores.  I'm giving Lilly and the old ladies apples every night.   The cost of apples is ridiculous - $5 for a three pound bag, even at PC - but I cut them in quarters and hand them out, very carefully, to the old girls who are lined up waiting.  It gives me enormous pleasure to see them so frisky. Was putting some lovely soft BFL in the washer when Matt came running in the milk room holding his fingers and yelling come with me!  He nearly cut off the tips of two fingers while fiddling with the tractor in the dark. He thought he sliced off more and was afraid to look at the damage.  We ran to the sink and took a look.  Deep cuts through the fingernails, lots of blood.  I didn't think it could be stitched and made a judgment call not to take him to Cooperstown, 24 miles away.  Hamilton is 17 miles but the last time I took him there they transferred him to Cooperstown.  Cute little hospital but is there mainly for the orthopedic needs of the Colgate students.  I poured peroxide over his mangled fingers and bandaged them up.  He was in a world of pain.  I hate to injure my finger tips.  Kind of took the fun out of a Friday night snow storm.  I gave him something to help him sleep and sleep he did.  Still throbbing this morning and my lane is not plowed.  I think we got about 8 inches, no big deal.  Fun to watch the storm reports on CNN.  Eric/Annie and kids are snowed in big time.  What a change from Dallas, huh?  They love it.  So happy for Luke who has been hoping for this deluge of snow for some time.  Big party for us tonight - the Fur Ball at the Canasawacta Country Club in Norwich.  This fabulous party is my favorite big event of the year.  Great bands and lots of food.  The local business people come out to get smashed, eat, dance, and open their wallets for the Chenango County SPCA animal shelter.  Curious to see how my big Maggie's Farm basket does in the auction.  Now to figure out what to wear, that is, if we can plow out and Matt can manage with his cut fingers.  Don't see him flailing about on the dance floor.  That's okay...The back puffing from the stove is making my eyes burn.  Big gusts of wind and still blowing snow out there.  

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