Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Found the Light

One headlight was lost - that's bad enough - but when the second head light went missing last night I was in big trouble.  Sure there are a few lights in the massive barn, but not enough to see what you are doing in the hay mow.  Climbing a ladder into blackness is not fun.  Big relief when one of the lights was found.  I finally got some dyeing of wool going last night.  Good thing Matt got the new to me washer installed as the old one will not agitate.  That's okay for wool, though, as I do not want the wool to felt.  The perpetually frozen drain was a problem as the milk room would flood.  The Milk Room Kitties don't like that.  Matt is gone off to weatherization field training and he's the only one who knows how to de-ice the outside drain.  I better learn how to do it myself.  I suspect it involves taking a spike out there somewhere and chipping away.  Life in an old barn...In the meantime I got two giant pots of Bluefaced Leicester wool dyed Jacquard Deep Magenta....hmmmm, what a lovely color.  If I don't keep this dye train going and get it to the mill I won't have enough for Maryland.   There is a big storm forecast for this Northeast.  Don't know...I'll believe it when it starts falling from the sky.  Supposed to start Friday night so I won't have to commute in it.  Works for me!  Stay home with the animals, dye wool and sew.  I have one working machine at home, and it's not my best one.  I'm waiting to see if the new guy in Norwich does a decent job on the old Kenmore I brought him.  He was trained by the old guy.  You drop machines off at Sew Nice and he picks them up.  This is a machine a student talked me into buying from him.  He fancies himself a Picker and I don't want to diminish his entrepreneurial spirit.  When he brought me the third machine I said no more, please.  He only wants $10-$20 for them but they cost big bucks to get cleaned and fixed.  So he started bringing slide projectors and typewriters to school.  This kid is going to go places! More paper machiete African masks in school today.  I sure hope yesterday's work is dry so we can start painting and embellishing them.  Some kids are surprising me with their creativity.  Others are completely freaked out about touching flour mixed with water.  I'm learning more about special needs teenagers every day.  More coffee, stoke the fire, get the lamb bottles made, suit up and get out there.  I love to waste time in the morning but one can only go so fast on snow covered roads where there is no cell phone reception and no traffic to see that you are down in a ditch.

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