Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wild Weather

Drove home in heavy warmish rain yesterday.  Forked down hay from the mow with a wild wind beating the sides of the barn and whistling through the slats.  Very dramatic and I love it.  There is no snow on the farm now, and it seems so weird.  Mud season is back, but not for long with a cold front moving in.  We need snow on the farm.  Snow is the "poor man's fertilizer."  It blankets the ground and helps to melt all the black gold dropped by the sheep over the past spring, summer and fall.  Oh, if only I had managed to get the barn emptied and spread on the fields this fall.  Another thing on the list of things that didn't get done.  Maybe next year.  Around here folks spread whey on their fields from the Chobani yogurt factory down the road.  Whey is a by-product of cheese and yogurt making.  Think I'll give that a try.  Still have to get the poop out of the barn.  The sheep are fat and happy on the hay that I fork down the holes in great big folds off the round bales.  Only have enough to last to the end of March, then I'll have to find some around here.  Better get it in gear and hit the road - day two of tie-dyeing.  What a festival that was yesterday, and what a wonderful mess.  Fawn and I were hopping around like rabbits all day.  We're having a anti-bullying assembly on Friday and the principal wanted our tee-shirts decorated somehow.  We definitely took care of that request in a big way, with other teachers bringing their classes' shirts in to "please dye these," and staff/students stopping in to join the fun.  Smells like team spirit to me.

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