Friday, January 25, 2013

Still Cold

I don't know what else I expected when I opened the door to let the dogs out.  Yep, it's still real cold out there.  The birds knocked down my thermometer, but I think it's a little warmer than yesterday.  More like five below instead of fifteen.  Yikes, if anyone had told me I would be living in a place as cold as this I would have laughed in their faces.  The coldest I consciously remember it getting in New Jersey is 4 F, when Mia and AJ were babies.  I kept them home from Temple B'Nai Or Nursery School that day.  Now they are big and strong and skiiing in temps colder than that.  Their birthday is coming up soon.  Have to think of some special gifts.  I know - I'll knit them ear flapper hats like Luke's.  That ought to keep their blonde heads and chubby cheeks nice and warm.

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