Sunday, January 06, 2013

Hello there...

This little hen thinks Zack's hay feeder is a nice place to lay an egg.  She won't like it when a big bunch of hay is shoved in there.  Zack is amused.  He lives in the back pen with Jon-Jon, my angora buck and another wether.  The silo room is a cozy dry place where the boys can get out of the wind and weather.  The window into the barn makes a convenient place to pass hay through to them.  Zack is a purebred Border Leicester ram who came home with me from Maryland Sheep and Wool two years ago.  Sadly, he is not getting too much of a work out as I am not breeding this year.  I have five  fall lambs from Zack and that will be plenty.  Zack has the best disposition of any sheep I've ever had.  He's more like a dog than a sheep. Zack has a very thick, dense fleece and a large boxy frame.  I think he's very handsome.

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