Saturday, January 19, 2013

Baby Shower

Another reason why I love the people I work with...  I've been to two baby showers in the last month - both for guys on our staff who had and are having babies.   I'm blessed with gifts ready to go in the form of soap and hand creme.  For TJ Potter I wanted to make something special.  TJ and I have been through many trials by fire, in Special Ed. GED, and, more recently, the four months with some very challenging middle school students in a self-contained classroom last spring.  I fondly refer to TJ as "my muscle," but he is more like a priest with the patience of a saint.  I set to work on a fabulous baby Bundaflicka tote Thursday night, only to find my favorite machine, my big old Singer, is not feeling well.  She is skipping stitches and behaving in an unruly manner.  Lots of oil and TLC, but still not working right.  What to do with the shower the next day.  I had hauled two machines into school for my studio art students.  I only had one old White in the corner of the apartment, piled high with boxes, bags and piles of "stuff."  After chores I unearthed the old White and fired her up.  Lucky for me she was able to sew through the many layers of chenille lining and tapestry chenille outer fabric to get the baby bag done.  With Matt calling across the apartment GO TO BED!! every five minutes, I stopped at 11 PM and got up at 5 to finish the tote.  Even so I had to do more in school.  Luckily I had the perfect button in my stash box - a lovely reddish pink heart for the expected baby girl.  I was very proud to place the beautiful bag on the gift table when we gathered for the shower.  TJ waited to open it last, then was able to put many of the gifts inside the tote to carry them home. 

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