Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sublime to the Mundane

Mia gave two Bundaflicka bags to nurse friends last night at a party.  She said they were thrilled with them.  It's a thrill for me, too, as these are professional ladies who carry around big tacky leather monstrosities loaded with buckles and zippers.  If they like my simple cloth totes with clay or toggle buttons it's a nice surprise for me.   I'm about to launch a new sewing season with Maryland Sheep and Wool looming in 16 short weeks.  Funny how my life calendar is ruled by sheep shows, school vacations and hay making.  Speaking of hay, Matt remarked how, if we are lucky, and the fabulous diary farmer down the road, Julia Berger, comes through for us again, we might have too much hay next year.  We should be so lucky.  Just a couple of years ago my hungry sheep were scraping sticks off the top of the hay pack on the floor.  So thankful I found Julia and her hard working family.  Now I think I can make it through to March with the round bales I have left.  Pulling them apart is a chore but they are so nice and dry and the sheep are so crazy about the hay I don't mind.   I am so grateful to Julia and sons and hope they will make hay for me again next summer.  Yes, hay is life.  As the snow falls and I head out to clean up a flood in the milk room due to laundry pipes separating under the sink, I think about spring and green grass and how lovely the land looks.  The land is sleeping now under a blanket of snow.  All the little creatures under the earth are taking some time off.  Didn't get the barn cleaned out and manure spread like I hoped.  The people who were going to do it went on an extended vacation.   Maybe in the spring...Like I've said before, farmers are the most stupidly optimistic people on earth.   We just keep keeping on, no matter what.  Now out to wade through nasty black water mixed with chicken poop, hay and wool.  Hoping to get to see the Hobbit tonight.  We'll see if I can get some work done.  Missing lots of movies, but that's how it is on the farm.  Always something else that needs to be done.  Better get to it.

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