Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sew Nice

Turned off the TV, put on some music and spent some time sewing.   I don't do anything with any real continuity here since I'm always jumping out into the barn to check on lambs, or feed some kitties, or call some dogs.  It's still lovely to sit at my machine a while and listen to the whirrrr, whirrr of the motor while putting together something pretty and functional.  I'm working on a Latin bag ordered by the mother of two Latin students at the Plowshares show this month.  She bought the Latin messenger bag I had on display and order another.  I took a couple of weeks to make it.  Hope she still wants it.  It's adorable, I can always keep it for Maryland which is coming up in four short months.  Funny how the "Sheep Shows" as I call them form my calendar year.  The gun thing is very disturbing.  There are guns and there are guns.  I remember my Southern mother driving up from Georgia in her big white Buick with a loaded pistol in the glove box.  She did not have an assault rifle in the trunk with clips of ammo.  Senator Feinstein is saying on Meet the Press that she is introducing a bill to ban guns that fire more than ten shots?  Ten shots?  Who the heck needs ten shots?  Good luck Senator.  Will President Obama support it or will he cave again?  The Republican gun lobby will never support it.  Isn't it interesting the mass murderers are predominantly men?  Young men?  Something to ponder.  If our society is so dangerous people need assault weapons for their protection something is dreadfully wrong.  I'm watching my sheep graze on the hillside while I sew.  This is so relaxing and so satisfying.  Back at work tomorrow where there is no time for writing, barely time to check email, never any privacy, and the only sewing I'll do is to help my students make Christmas stockings and handbags.  There we go with the container thing again.  When the world gives you a heavy load, sew totes and stockings to contain them.  Santa will do some shopping next week for goodies to put in those stockings.  We'll make Christmas cookies and string cranberries and popcorn for our "virtual tree."  It's the spirit that counts.

1 comment:

  1. Hugs...
    I so much agree with you about the guns. There are gun and then...
    I hope that bill passes. I do not see anyone needing an assault weapon ever. It is ironic that while there have been no wars (other than Civil war)on American territory Americans are probably the most armed nation. It gives much food for thought.
    As to why young men, I think because youth is the time when we all are capable of much more cruelty than later in life, but females usually have more brakes build in to their personality,through there are female suicide bombers most females do not go for assault rifle, they self-destruct in less spectacular ways.


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