Sunday, December 30, 2012

No Hobbit Tonight

I thought no one would venture out in this cold to go to the movies but plenty of people did.  Wanted to see The Hobbit in New Hartford but it was sold out.  We made some stops while over there and picked up dishwasher installation parts, an overhead light and a slop  sink for the milk room at Lowes.  I was hoping to find a copy of December British Country Living at B&N and was not disappointed.  Thought I was too late - they sell out fast, especially the Christmas issue - but there was one hiding behind another British magazine.   Made missing The Hobbit a lot easier.   Stopped on the way home at Joann's which is right outside of New Hartford and found all thread 50% off.  When you sew as much as I do thread can be costly.   I splurged and bought myself a new pair of Fiskar scissors.  The dull ones I've been using hardly cut the fabric.  They need to be moved out to the barn for cutting baling twine.   I got out of my old habit of marking the scissors with dates so I can tell them from the barn scissors.  Some real good coupons have been coming in the mail.   Very much looking forward to getting the milk room in order to start picking and cleaning a big pile of fleeces.  Too cold to stand for very long in the barn, although it's fun to work on wool with the sheep keeping me company.   I can turn on the oven in my dye stove, open the door and let the heat out.  The milk room kitties will enjoy the company.   I have so much beautiful fabric to sew on for Maryland Sheep and Wool bags.  With the CNY Fiber Festival in June, and the Hamilton market, I will have several venues for my goods this spring.   Matt is out plowing in the dark.  He spent several hours out there today and we came home to find it all drifted over.  Whatever did the founders of my farm do 200 years ago?  Their entire existence must have been devoted to storing wood, food and hay to survive these winters.  I can't even imagine how hard they worked.   They are dust now, across the road in an abandoned cemetery with 48 remains, mostly children.   I hope they are pleased to know somebody is still working this farm.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Maggie,

    I too am an avid reader of the British magazine "Country Living."

    Just in case you did not know, if you are a regular reader (and want to save some money), it may be worth subscribing to the magazine. Yearly subscription costs $74.

    There are two ways to do that:

    1) (I ran into delivery problems with Amazon last year and was not happy with their assistance in resolving the problem)

    2) directly through the U.S magazine distributor, Magazine Express, (a better option, in my opinion; I switched to them last April and am happy with the service so far)

    Best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year!


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