Thursday, December 27, 2012

Doggie Toys

When I visited Booker and Family on Thanksgiving I got the idea to make him a dog toy he could really sink his teeth into.  My students were selling beef jerky as a fund raiser.  I decided to roll up a slice of it inside some sturdy wool fabric and sew all around it.  I enclosed the toy in a matching stocking - absolutely precious.  I intended to make toys for all three of Annie and Eric's dogs - Perdita, Dizzy and Booker - but time ran out.  As I expected, questions were asked as to why I brought only one dog toy.  I am so ashamed.  Anyway, Booker, the recipient of the only custom made dog toy, did not disappoint.  He gnawed and gnawed on the wool in an effort to get at the beef.  He pawed at it, too.  Good tough fabric!   I was so gratified.  I will make more toys for the other little dogs sometime soon.  I'd like to include a line of dog toys and shampoos in my shop.  We'll see.  Perhaps.  Maybe.  I don't know.  Have to chew on it a bit.

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