Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Lighter Note

My foot is feeling much better.  Naproxen and air cast very much helping to hold the ankle together.  I'll be walking the land again in a day or two.   Being out in the barn with the sheep, goats, chickens, dogs and cats is extremely soothing and restorative.  I have goats to shear by hand (I leave an inch to keep them warm) for their lustrous mohair.  I will have lots and lots of wool and mohair to pick, wash, and dye come the new year.  I have visions of color running through my head,  and some felted hand bags I want to try.  Last night seems miles away.  I don't remember how I went off the road.   Stanbro Road connects Beaver Creek Road and Academy Road and dips down into a depression through which the Beaver Creek flows.  The fog must have been heavier there, and with no white line on the road, and no street lights, well, there we are.  Suddenly no road.   Boom crash bang.  Thank you AAA for skillfully winching my truck out backwards to avoid taking out a mailbox,  and Matt Redmond, who kept his cool when a Stanbro Road resident crept up to the Chevy Blazer in the culvert and appeared at the window with a rifle in his hand.  Matt said hello and struck up a conversation with the man and they had a nice chat.  Life in the country...


  1. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Why in the world would he have a rifle? Glad you made it through the ordeal.

  2. What happened to your ankle? I missed a post somehow - hope you feel better soon. Glad the service at school was a help. We all need some solid solace right about now.

  3. Linda4:44 PM

    Good to hear things didn't go worse than they did in the accident. Wishing you and yours well.


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