Saturday, November 03, 2012

Wintery Mixed Feelings

Woke up to a wet snowy and cold morning.  No market today.  Too bad as I would have like to say good bye to my friends.  See them in the spring I hope.  Matt decided to bring gas to Mia in Morristown and check in on his brother in Mountainside.  Have had no contact with Michael since the storm happened.  Mia was on her last fumes of gas and was very appreciative of the fuel.  Her commute is only two miles so it should last until I bring her more.  I'm hoping to get down there to finally make her curtains next weekend when I have Monday off for Vet's Day.   Very sad picture in Mountainside with trees down on power lines everywhere.  Brother met Matt at the door with coat on as there is no heat in their house.  Loretta gives piano lessons for a living but can't do that with no heat or lights.  Matt left them food and gasoline then left for upstate New York where we have everything we need.  Fat and warm.  Snowing intermittently all day.  Made my bi-monthly trip to the Louis Gale Feed Mill and stocked up for two weeks.  Happy sheep and chickens.  Bought a chicken at the Waterville market which was strangely empty, with one lonely cashier to greet me.  I asked where everyone went and she said Wal-Mart.  Was a bit weird going up and down the aisles by my lonesome.  Felt even more weird to pump gas with a cold wind penetrating my stretchy barn pants.  Time for the silkies to come out of hiding.  Came home and roasted the chicken with much Veggie Pepper and Herbs de Provence.  Heated up the apartment nicely and made a lovely aroma.  Doggies and I thought it was very tasty.  I picked a black mohair doe kid fleece while watching a bit of TV.  Don't know how one little critter could pick up so much burdock, but an hour of pinching and pulling gave me fiber that rivals any quiviut or alpaca.  Will card it by  hand blending with a little angora I think.  I need a scarf.  Time to get chores done while it's still light. Feeling a little shaky and that's when I know a ghost will appear and I'll fall down the ladder.  It's a good night to get back inside, get the stove going and hunker down with my doggies.   An extra hour tonight.  What bliss.  I'm achy and tired.  Still haven't recovered from Rhinebeck and with stress at work and now this hurricane business I need a little break.  Will sew tonight as it relaxes me like nothing else, even spinning.  I have such GORGEOUS fabric piled up from my fabulous personal shopper Carol Crayonbox (she loves my Mother Fiber!) and some purchases I made with a little Rhinebeck money, well, I really want to sew some totes.  When life gives you a heavy load sew totes to carry it!   Very much looking forward to Thanksgiving in Maine with Eric, Annie and kids.  Chaplain AJ is flying in from Nevada, Mia is coming from hurricane battered NJ, and hopefully the Parkinsons can make it from Kingston, Ontario  I have one more show, the Plowshares Craftsfair and Peace Festival in Syracuse - a happy, hippie, love fest with some incredibly beautiful crafts in time for holiday shopping.   The spirit of Plowshares is social activism combined with live entertainment all weekend.  I love this show.

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