Monday, November 12, 2012

There and Back Again

Matt was willing to watch the farm and the weather was cooperating.  I wanted to check on Mia and bring her more furniture from Chez Tractor Shed.  She had a big bolt of fabric leaning against the wall and bare windows that need covering.  It was more than I could take - so I hooked up my little sheep show trailer and off I went to Morristown and Mia's lovely little third floor apartment - yes, third floor.  That meant six little flights of stairs, with many twists and turns.  Not a problem, we got a trailer load of treasures up the stairs.  I had so much fun I didn't know what to do with myself.  Sewing all day and all night, then into the next day.  No chores to do, with Mia making me delicious little meals to keep me going.  We got curtains made for three rooms, and painted two pieces of furniture.  Two more pieces were in desperate need of scrubbing and polishing with Old English Scratch Cover, my old favorite.  Except for a dash out for curtain rods and paint I pretty much stayed in front of the sewing machine.  Mia took a break to go out sofa shopping with Nurse Practitioner buddy, Kimmie Bohs.   Father Aaron, twin brother, is coming home for Thanksgiving and will need a place to bed down.  I got up at 5 am with Mia this morning and left for the farm when she went to work at the hospital.  Her medical office had been without power for many days and was set up at Morristown Memorial.  Before we parted I poured five gallons of gas into her little car.  Thankfully her commute is all of two miles one way.  I should be so lucky.  On the way home I stopped at a little farm in Gilbertsville and picked up a few bales of hay.  I couldn't pull home an empty trailer without putting something of value in it. 

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