Sunday, November 25, 2012

In From Chores...

...a familiar saying in my nightly routine.  Truly, I am thankful for my chores.  My chores keep me doing physical things when I might otherwise sit down and knit or sew for hours.  My chores give structure and purpose to my day.  My chores make me spend time with some of my best friends - my critters.  They are always happy to see me.  I'm not sure if they are happy to see me or the hay and other treats I give to them.  There are a couple of sheep who are genuinely happy to see me - Lilly and Forest.  Lilly is very, very affectionate and runs over to me like a dog when I go into the barn.  Her son Forest inherited her loving nature.  Most sheep are flock creatures and prefer each other's company.  Coming back inside is when I wish I had this scene to greet me - two lovely women in the kitchen taking care of things like meal preparation and clean up.  Men have it made - they go out and bring home the bacon (like me), do chores around the farm (like me), and walk in to have a hot meal presented to them (not like me).  If Mia could visit more often I know she would cook for me.  So will Hannah and Luke someday I'm sure.  Good things come to those who wait.

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