Friday, November 30, 2012

Got Soap?

These wonderful blocks are made from the scraps I get when I cut up my big blocks of soap.  I melt the scraps and bars that don't do right when cut. My operation is very basic.  I tried some fancy plexiglass molds once, but got tired of screwing and unscrewing then having to wash the pieces.  I went back to my wax paper milk cartons and a good old kitchen knife.  These bars are considered "milled" as they've been soap and melted down to make soap again.  They contain many different kinds of essential oils along with the olive oil and lovely things that make my soap so nice.  The big chunks are perfect for wet felting.  No need to order fancy Turkish olive oil soap to make felt.  I'll have a nice plate of chunky soap to put out at the Plowshares Craftsfair and Peace Festival tomorrow at the Notthingham High School in East Syracuse on Genesee Street.  I do love this show - the crafts are amazing, there are lots of old hippies - some rich and some poor,  and the party goes on all weekend.

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