Sunday, October 14, 2012

Rainy Sunday Morning

The glorious, cold, crisp, sunny air of yesterday seems a million miles away.  I knew I didn't have time to do the Hamilton market, but I'm trying to get my latest run of roving out of hock at the mill, and, besides, I wanted to see my market friends.  With winter closing in and Rhinebeck next week I don't know if there will be another market day.  It was the perfect medicine for me, soaking up the vitamin D and chatting with friends.  Two little old ladies (a little older than myself) came up with empty containers of Shepherd's Friend creme and said OH! thank goodness you are here!  They bought larger jars to get them through the winter.  Private jets were taking off all morning long, with the Colgate Homecoming going on.  I guess those monied alumnae didn't want to spring for extra jet fuel because they were not buying, but one older lady (my best customers) stopped and fingered a bag or two.  She said to her friend, Wouldn't Bunny like one of these?  They kept on walking but came back and bought a bag I've carried around for two years at least.  I had marked it down hoping to move it but she would have bought it anyway.  Lesson learned.  She handed me a hundred dollar bill.  Yes, people still carry those around.  A classy older woman covered in Colgate memorabilia asked me if I would come to her Christian woman's group to talk about what I do.  She made a $5 purchase, I think she thought that would somehow cover a morning away from the farm, but I will probably see her in heaven.  Okay, I wish I went to Colgate and didn't have to work a day in my life but things didn't work out that way.  I traded teal and cobalt wool for some more Susanne Farrington mugs for shaving soap, and my potter friend Kylie Spooner offered to trade something from her booth for more teal.  I surely do have to dye another teal run!  I picked up a lovely earthy crock from Kylie for my kitchen utensils.  Ron Wagner's mother gave me a giant bag of broccoli crowns so heavy I can hardly pick it up.  HAVE to make cheddar/broccoli soup.  It would be a crime to let them go bad.  I have so much to do today it scares me to think about it, but I've been here so many times before that I know I will pull it off.  Positive attitude prevails.  Rainy and dreary today but the morning in the sun at the market, even with all the loading, setting up, taking down and loading again, was worth it and buoyed me for the week ahead.  I bought lunch for Matt at the Indian buffet across from the market and can't remember when twenty bucks was better spent on food.  It was fabulous with great service, and it meant I didn't have to cook last night.  I don't know how I'm going to get all this soap wrapped, I don't have any lavender fabric, I need shaving brushes which have to be shipped tomorrow or I won't get them...but guess what - everything will be fine because I will make it fine.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Hey you:

    want me to pick up some lavendar fabric for you ? We could wrap it Friday night at the hotel:)
    Counting down the days!!!
    Kim and the crew


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