Monday, October 08, 2012

Lovely Lilly

I did not have Lilly shorn today.  Her fleece is very typically Bluefaced Leicester - very light and fine.  I don't want Lilly to be chilly this fall.  She's a grand old lady now and has VIS status - Very Important Sheep.  Lilly nudges me on the back if I don't pay attention to her and gives me hot, wet kisses.  I adore her.  I wish there was a way for me to give her corn snacks and apples, her favorites, without being mobbed by the rest of the flock.  We had a bumper crop of apples last year and Lilly was in heaven.  She went into winter with a good layer of fat from gorging on apples every day.  No apples at all this year, sad for Lilly.   Lilly's son, Forrest, inherited his mother's affectionate nature.  I only have one ewe from all the years I've had Lilly and that is Luna.  Luna has a lovely, thick fleece which I will enjoy dyeing soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely shot of a beautiful grand dame :) You need to enter this one in Maryland -she is so elegant and beautiful :)
    Kim and the crew


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