Tuesday, October 30, 2012


My lambs are doing fine.  I have two maternity pens to take care of, with separate water, hay and feed bins, along with several other hay racks around the barn to keep full, but that's okay.  I like the babies right where I can see them.  The moms would love to be let out to pasture, but the little ones are too small.  I'm bottle feeding the new boys as mom has only one working teat.  The lamb who monopolizes the teat is noticeably bigger so I'm letting the little one have more of the milk replacer.  Nothing can replace mother's milk, but we try.  The sheep rode out the storm okay, relaxing in their warm and dry barn, chewing their cud and munching on their delicious hay.   With 48 remaining round bales up in the hay mow holding down the barn I was fairly certain we would not be flying off to the Land of Oz. 

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