Monday, October 08, 2012

Fall Shearing Day

We got 45 fleeces in the bag today.  I had all the help I needed with Jim Baldwin shearing, Santana skirting, Andrew and Crash wrangling sheep, and Matt holding them while I trimmed 180 hooves and gave vaccinations.  No worming was necessary as the sheep were FAT.  I mean, positively roly-poly on grass alone.  I'm very please with the health of the flock, aside from three or four very old ladies who are a bit bony and withered as old ladies will be.  I'll have black fleeces to bring to Rhinebeck, and enough white wool to keep the dye pots going for weeks.  When the dust settled and everyone was paid and on their way home, I retreated to the kitchen for coffee before chores.   Matt drove to Hamilton to get a chimney brush and came home with Chinese for dinner.  What a perfect treat on a day when I was not crazy about cooking.  After chores I made a batch of Mango-Mango soap.  I'm about to punch out in the time clock and go horizontal.  All critters fed, watered and loved up for the night.  Back to work tomorrow to get some rest.

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