Monday, October 29, 2012

Different Worlds

I have a new booth neighbor at NY State Sheep and Wool.  They are very commercial and called Soak, out of Canada.    We are from different realms of the planet.  Yes, I need a partition and one is in the planning stages.  I was selling hand made hand creme, ladled into the jars one at a time, with all natural ingredients.  Nothing you can't pronounce.  I picked up a bottle of their wool wash and hand creme and saw a long list of chemicals, very few of which I could pronounce.  Different strokes for different folks.  They drew a big crowd, curious about the fancy rainbow colored bottles.  That's okay, I drew a big crowd too.  I sold out of hand creme by noon on Sunday.   Wish I had more but it is prohibitively expensive to make.  I will definitely have enough next year.  Isn't it nice that Rhinebeck comes back every year so that we can fall back, regroup, and come back stronger next time?

1 comment:

  1. Soak smells wonderful but will actually fade really vibrant colors. After I heard that I will stick with Eucalan to wash my fine hand knits.


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