Sunday, September 02, 2012

Hamilton Market Day

I was proud of the crop of Bundaflicka knitting totes I put on at the market yesterday.  I was hanging the totes on colorful bungy cords but now I have too many for that.  I put up my old bag rack, which holds quite a few and allows people to look at the bags easier.  I could sew all the time, but I have to work on fiber,creme and soap, and then there are the animals to look after.  Oh, and the humans who need food and clean clothing too.  And then there is the job that keeps this machine running.  I have one more day of freedom, that is, freedom to stay home and work on the farm.  I've been spending a lot of time picking through fleeces from last spring and fall.  There are some gorgeous fleeces, then the challenging ones who either stayed on the animal too long, or contain so much "chaff" that I have to literally pull every lock apart and "debride" the fiber.  The effort is worth it when the big boxes come back from the mill and soft colorful balls ready for spinning or felting appear.  I could get lost for days and weeks in my beautiful fibers, with the lovely sheep and their big, glistening eyes watching me, but duty calls and I'll be bombing out of here every morning to return in the evening.  As long as I have my job nobody can tell me I can't have my sheep.

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