Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Gotta Deal

Lots of speakers in a hot, airless gym yesterday.  Hazardous waste training, bullying prevention training, teacher union meetings, and checking out classrooms.  Many hugs with friends I haven't seen since June.  The LPN teacher had all the stuff that was in her new classroom dumped on the floor of my GED room.  I sure hope the nice custodians moved it overnight.  It's first day for kids and I'm picking up donuts on the way in.  I have my old room back for mornings and will do art upstairs in the afternoon.  It will take a few days to get all the kinks worked out.  Too sleepy last night to stay awake for the First Lady's speech.  Hope I can make it 'til Bubba's performance tonight.  I relate so well to the Dems and their message. I sure will miss my free time, but I have to support my farm, and I carry the bennies.   Better get it in gear and hit the road.

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