Friday, September 07, 2012

First Week Down

The first week of school is under my belt.  It's always an adjustment, even though I've only been with the kids for three days.  The Friday Euphoria is setting in.  The kids are getting used to me and vice versa.  I am reunited with my dear friend -  The Amazing Robin - for morning GED classes, and a new aide named Fawn for my afternoon art classes.  Robin works so hard to make me look good and keep me out of trouble.  I ask her to do something and it's already done!  Robin does things to  help me that I don't even know about.   Fawn is very organized and helpful, too..  Luckily, Robin is experienced with the daunting bureaucracy of GED (General Equivalency Diploma).  I'm feeling good about school and I think it will be a rewarding year.  Now if the weather gods are kind and let me get back and forth to work safely.  You never know what storms will blow off Lake Ontario and make my commute a nightmare.

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