Thursday, August 16, 2012

Super Weeds

I am attempting to build some kind of "garden" in front of my barn.   With dozens of free range chickens (Luke caught as many as he could and put them in the chicken room, but there are still so many on the run) planting anything that has a chance of growing is iffy.  I would like to put in a holly bush, a little cherry tree, and some ground cover, before the snow flies.  My student Randy cleaned out my chicken room last year and deposited the black gold on my future garden.  Well, the weeds that grew out were of such robust variety I can't begin to describe them.  A few I recognize as poke berry, burdock and milk weed.  The others are likely from the chicken feed I gave the chickens, or they blew in on the wind. I tied one of the Goatie Boys out on a line to eat some of the weeks but he cried so much and got himself tangled up so badly that Matt felt sorry for him and let him go.  I'm doing some work on it every day.  I confess I don't have the gusto to spend hours in the hot sun like I used to.  Sitting at my sewing machine or spinning wheel with New Age music on is much more relaxing and fun.  I suspect I will be hiring another student to do the rest.  They appreciate the work and I can "do other things" like shovel poop.  Shoveling is hard work but it's done in the cool darkness of the barn.

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