Monday, August 13, 2012


What a gift sewing is.  Nothing occupies me when I'm "home alone" as happily as sewing does.  My old Singer is my favorite power tool.  My fiber artist/attorney friend, Carolyn D'Agostino, from Albany collects vintage sewing machines and decided to offer this one to me in exchange for wool.   It's similar in age and style to the last one I was using, only bigger and stronger.  When sewing my Bundaflicka totes with heavy tapestry and chenille fabric, bigger and stronger is a good thing.  My first show is in less than one month - Colorscape Chenango - and I'm working on hard on creating product.  Today I'm putting together snap frame totes with some lovely purply/flowery embroidered chenille chosen for me by my personal fabric consultant - Carol Crayonbox of Freeville, near Ithaca.  Love it!  I'm very late with sorting and dyeing fiber, but it will happen.  When, I don't know.  I go in fits and starts, ebbs and flows.  That's just the way things are.

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