Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Going Home

Annie called with the news that they closed on the house in Gorham, Maine, today and all systems are go.  I'm taking Hannah and Luke to their new home on Saturday.  The kids are excited and a little nervous.  They are so sweet and already expressed remorse at leaving me here on the farm.  They helped me bring doggies to the free rabies clinic at the town barn in Brookfield - what fun that was.  Wish I could have brought the White Boys but with Matt out of town there is no way the kids and I could have wrestled those monsters into the little Saturn, even one at a time.  Izzy was a little sissy and screamed like a baby with his shot.  This others were troopers.  After chores Luke and I went up on the pond with the dogs, me on foot, him on his motor bike, and chatted for a while.  We diverted to the Hidden Pond by the apple orchard on the way back.  Luke picked mint to make tea.  Somehow we missed the rising of the full moon before we came in.  I had forgotten about it with other things on my mind.  Went out to bring warm oatmeal to the kitties on the stoop just now and there it was - so beautiful.  If the Olympics were not on we would surely be outside with a little camp fire going.  Low on everything in the kitchen so I made a big bowl of buttery mashed potatoes for Hannah.  Luke requested marmalade on toast - his new favorite breakfast.   Now it's ten o'clock and time to spin a bit I think.  Tomorrow we'll take a ride over to the Otsego County Fair to check it out.  Luke is going to help me shear Minnie Driver tomorrow night - my favorite little black doe.   She was so runty last year I worried about her growing at all, but now she's a mini goat with the nicest, softest black mohair. 

1 comment:

  1. Sara Hartman7:59 AM

    Oh what special memories Luke and Hannah will have of the farm when they are older - and I'm sure there are many more to be made in the coming years! Sad to see them go.


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