Friday, August 31, 2012

Chartreuse Wool

I'm not happy unless I have some form of fiber processing going on.  I've been waiting for my order of dyes from Dharma Trading in California for a week or so.  Yesterday I happened to be down at the dumpster and saw the UPS truck flying by.  The driver saw me standing there and put on the brakes.  He had my package in the truck!  Would he have stopped if I wasn't there?  Doesn't look like it.  Anyway, I thanked him and promptly went to work sorting the Romney fleeces from Weymouth Walk in New Jersey I picked up in Maryland.  I didn't go looking for them, but they kind of found me.  Anyway, this beautiful wool may not be Bluefaced Leicester, but it still feels nice and dyes beautifully.  I washed and cooked two big pots last night, with lots of dye and lots of citric acid, the magic powder that enhances color and makes it stick.  This glorious sunshine won't be around long and I want to make the most of it.  I have two more pots on the stove now.  I'll blend it with sky blue and salmon, maybe a little purple.  You know how I am about purple.  Everything's got to have a little purple.  Something about The Color Purple.


  1. YUMMY -just want to dive into that :)
    Kim and the crew

  2. Anonymous10:52 PM

    As a long time lurker;
    I know you add purple to purple, with purple :)


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