Monday, August 20, 2012

Back Yard

A view that I don't often show but where I spend a lot of time.  The cars are in various states of repair and disrepair and provide shelter for the cats and chickens from the rain.  The goats are eating the delicious weeds I pull on a daily basis which grew out of the chicken room manure spread last fall.  My wool drying rack is protected from the worst winds swooping through the valley.  The garbage can lid has water in it for the little chicks that used to drown in the cat and dog water.  I sometimes pause and stand on the little porch to gaze at the hills beyond.  In a little more than a month they will be ablaze with color and breathtaking beauty..  If it wasn't for Lisa and Marie Merian, my dearest sheep friends from Bainbridge,  I would never have known about this place.   I don't think I have ever thanked them enough or ever can.

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