Friday, July 13, 2012

Round Bales

We arrived home from the movies to find Julia's son baling our hay.   He got 50 bales off the upper fields for me.  Now we are hoping for rain to get a second cut going.  Second cut hay is more nutritious as it does not have the winter chaff in it.  It's all delicious green grass and the sheep love it.  Rain is forecast for Sunday, but will it be enough.  We'll have to wait and see.  My pond could use a good flushing out.  In the meantime these lovely round bales have to be dealt with.  I'm hoping to roll some of them in the barn but there is a haystack in the way.  Hannah, Luke and I will see what we can do.  I might finally get them in the pond after today's work.  My pond is not quite as appealing as the pool they left in Dallas, with frogs and the occasional leech, but today might be different.  It's hot and steamy out there already.  We figure the 50 first cut round bales might last three months.  A second cut sure would be nice...

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