Thursday, July 12, 2012

Patchouli Hand Creme

I think I will make some Shepherd's Friend Hand Creme of the patchouli variety this morning.  I have about a third of a bottle of the costly patchouli essential oil and want to put it to good use.  Heaven forbid I might drop it while dabbing the oil behind my ears to make me happy and keep the bugs away.  I have a bit of lavender Shepherd's Friend, and, although patchouli lovers are few and far between, every once in a while one comes along and is blown away by my patchouli creme.  Lukie is happily sleeping with a kitty on his shoulder and Izzy up against his belly.  The Today Show is on and I'm about to start my second mug of coffee.  Have to call Susanne Farrington ,my felter/potter friend in Hamilton, about buying or trading wool for more mugs.  Whenever I make soap I fish around for another Susanne cup to fill with the pot scrapings.  I made Anise soap yesterday and, having no more Susanne mugs, I filled a couple of her wonderful little bowls with soap.  Somebody will want them.  Her pottery is amazing.  There is something about her clay or how she fires it that makes her pottery incredibly sturdy.  My pricey and lovely Jenny-the-Potter mug is filled with cracks.  My drying rack won't take more than three big batches of soap.  I'm anxiously waiting for my new room,with a wall full of cabinets, to be finished.  Yes, good things come to those who wait.  The trick is living that long.

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