Tuesday, July 31, 2012

No Moon Tonight

In from chores ten of eight.  So much help from Hannah and Luke.  Woe is me when they leave, but I'm lucky to have had them for so long.  Back to climbing ladders with buckets and throwing down bales.  I only have so many square bales left and will have to figure out how to move the round bales.  If I manage to get a second cut they will be in square bales, but I saw the flock up there eating the lovely tender shoots today.  Was hoping to see the lovely full moon tonight but a bank of clouds has rolled in to obscure it and I hear some thunder.  Glad we stood outside to stare at it a while last night.  Would like to camp up at the pond under the full moon but I confess I love to watch the Olympics so much I'll stay in.  Hannah and Luke are not crazy about the O. and I don't really understand why, but they tune back to cartoons or kiddie shows first chance they get.  I give them a little time then switch it back. The Olympics doesn't come every year and I think it's a good lesson in unity and sportsmanship.  Love the personal vignettes. My kids were swimmers and I especially enjoy watching the racers.   Luke took off on his bike for a little while tonight for the first time.  I've been hoping he would take advantage of all this land to roam on but he's been a bit timid.  The sheep don't mind a bit when that mosquito is turned off and parked.  Speaking of sheep, they are growing some nice wool from what I can tell.  Time to schedule a shearing before school starts this year.  Also time to start up the dye pots and get wool going for fall shows.  It's hot work and the flies fall in the pots but it has to be done.  The beautiful colorful runs of blended fibers don't happen by themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Let us know when shearing will be -we'll bring down some extra hands :)
    Kim and the crew


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