Monday, July 02, 2012

Mild and Beautiful

What a lovely day - cool with gentle breezes.  Shame to be inside at all.  Will get Luke and do some barn work early while it's cool.  It's wonderful to have him to help me.  He loves digging, scraping and toting poop and hay.  Too good to be true!  Took Sadie in for spay this morning.  Tanner is done and Reba is next.  It costs a fortune but is worth every penny.  If I lived ten miles away over the Oneida County line I would get my cats done free with a legacy left by two wealthy ladies.  If I won the lottery I would fund a neuter/spay clinic myself.  In the meantime I'll do what I can.  The farmer's market was a lot of fun on Saturday.  It was a bit slow, with so many vendors and summer events going on everywhere, but I enjoy seeing my weekly market acquaintances and getting some serious spinning done.  A lovely family, two pastors from Boston, the Henrich-Sydnors, and their three little ones, came to the farm to visit us before they journeyed home yesterday.  I sometimes forget what a paradise this farm is to people who live in the city.   I've been on a continuous spinning jag lately, maybe because it can be done sitting down while watching TV at night, shoulder to shoulder with Hannah and Luke.  Kids and critters have prevented much sewing from getting done but that's okay.  I'll get it back.  We are going to Hamilton for the 4th.  I'll set up my booth and the kids will watch the parade.  I keep hearing about local people having big shindigs with their families.  Many people around here have huge extended families with too many parties to try and get to,  but with just us I need to find a place for us to celebrate.  The parade will be perfect, with food vendors, music and a few crafty people.  Fingers crossed for good weather.

1 comment:

  1. Glad Luke is being so helpful. I hope Hannah is pitching in as well!


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