Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hannah's Spinning

Hannah is spinning so beautifully I can't believe it. She knows how to draft for different fibers and is spinning sweater yarn already.  I don't want to make too much of it, knowing that might kill the enthusiasm.  I'm gently nudging her to spin more yarn for the scarf she's started knitting.  It's tough for her to put down the Ipod, like most 14 year old kids.  She was spinning happily at the Hamilton farmer's market when the clouds rolled in and opened up.  We had to cover everything quickly and start loading up.  My pop-up only holds off the water for so long.  Hannah quickly improvised a rain cover with my booth tablecloths.  Worked great but not for running back and forth with boxes and spinning wheels.  I hate to complain about the rain as we are just starting to get some of the desperately needed moisture needed for a second cut of hay...but not on market morning.

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