Thursday, July 05, 2012

Hang On

The weather is blissfully delightfully breezy and cool, a lovely respite from yesterday's melting humidity and heat.  I want to get so much done but am running in circles already.   Luke dropped his LL Bean wind-up flashlight while standing on top of the mound of bales in the hay mow.  We were having so much fun peeking around in the mound looking for hens laying eggs, cats hiding, etc. when the light was dropped.  I was up there filming him jumping off the platform onto an old mattress when my battery ran out.  Darned if I can find the cord.  There is a serious lack of cabinets and drawers to store things in the apartment.  Spouse likes the "minimalist" look, but then he's never lived anywhere for any length of time and never had much "stuff" to organize anyway.  Au contraire with moi.  I have too much stuff.  Some of my beautiful breakfront armoires are in the tractor shed, waiting to be moved into a living area that I fear will never accomodate them.  A low barn ceiling is a convenient excuse.  When rummaging around jars, boxes and piles I found the long lost cord to the camp light, but no cam corder cord.  One can only live and hope.  I will put together the three little orders I received recently from farm supporters (that's how I see them), go to town with Luke to mail them, and continue the search later this afternoon.  I hope to make Almond soap today, then sew some more.  We can restack the hay bales and find the camera, but some of the bales are loosely tied and will surely fall apart.  My hay mow floor is already layered with good hay that could have been used for the animals had I raked it all up when it spilled all over.  Like I said, one can only live and hope for more time and energy that is needed to do everything I should be doing around here.  In the meantime, I'm heading for the trailer to dig out the soap and creme I should have taken from the tubs yesterday when they were all laid out open on tables in Hamilton.  Woulda-shoulda-coulda.

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