Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Don't Worry Be Happy

I woke up at 4 this morning and looked over at Lukie sleeping soundly on the other sofa.  Sometimes I just stand over him and watch him sleep.  I'm too keenly aware of how soon his little-boy-hood will be over.  He's ten years old and on the brink of puberty, with body hair, surging hormones and emerging awareness.  I wish I could freeze him right now, but I've said that every year he's visited me since diapers.  Luke has the capacity for extreme loyalty and deep affection.  He's smart and snappy and very shrewd.   I see those eyes narrowing as he examines a situation in his mind, figuring things out and deciding what to do.  Luke is such good company, and so is Hannah.  She is still enigmatic, mysterious and beautiful.  I'm glad she is more relaxed and contented this year.  They've both moved around a lot with the Boy Scouts, always to a better situation, but still a move that requires recalculating.  I don't see any real apprehension about moving to Maine.  They were not crazy about Texas, even with the fancy house and pool.  I don't hear any regrets about leaving.  Today I'll try to find Mary, who is busy with her farm, garden and job.  Luke and Mary were great friends before Robert entered the picture.  I'm waiting on Julia to bale my hay.  Thought she would have come back to tether the grass in preparation for baling but not yet.  I'm too familiar with this waiting game, but I have more faith in Julia than I've had with others in the past.  I have two bags on the machine with one already paid for.  Would like to get that in the mail today.  I have more soap to cook and creme to process.  I get myself so busy with this stuff to avoid worrying about all the other things, like the kids leaving, getting hay baled, what job they will give me in the fall, that sometimes I don't take the time to enjoy every precious moment of the summer.   Will have to work on that.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Be happy indeed, you so enjoy your grandchildren and vise versa.... It shows in their smiles. Suzy


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