Thursday, July 05, 2012

Dawn's Early Light

Woke up at 4:44 with the first rays of light peeking through my window.  I love the early morning hours.  I don't like the feeling that I get around 2 PM when my body says you better lie down because you've been up way too long.  That's when the lovely cup of coffee comes in.  I covered up the Little Man who had kicked off his blanket and snuggled with the doggies a little before venturing outside.  The mist was swirling on the hill with sheep slipping in and out.  Love that scene.  Couldn't help but notice how fat and healthy they looked.  I have some old girls who are a withering a bit, the way old ladies do, but most look good.  Came back inside to press the magic button.  Think I will sew a little.  There is two months before the shows begin, and one might think that is plenty of time but not for me.  With a mountain of wool and mohair to pick, wash, dye, dry and get out to the carder, along with soap to make and bags to sew, two months is no time at all.  That's okay, I like to keep busy.  Still looking for someone to cut and bale my hay on shares.  Was hoping Stan would come back this year, but he hasn't called me back.  Have a couple of leads to check out.  The weather is simply glorious.  I'm going to get the beautiful yarn I plied in Hamilton yesterday off the wheel and wash it.  Another lovely skein for my basket.  I don't care if it ever sells, I just love the way it looks.  I think I will sew a bit before the kidlets wake up.  Hannah is doing well in her celebrity trailer.  She's much more happy and relaxed this year, and is not sequestered away with her teen/angst novels.  I can't get over how tall and beautiful she is.   We're looking forward to the Parkinson cousins coming to visit this weekend, along with the celebrity Auntie Mia.  I want to camp up at the pond, listen to coyotes singing and bullfrogs telling us to get the heck out of there.  It's high summer and I love it.

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