Thursday, June 28, 2012

Kids and Kidlets

The goat babies are absolutely adorable.  Wish I had more black kids but still waiting on Monkey.  Got her in the maternity pen, which she is not happy about, but I want her to drop her kid(s) where I can intervene if necessary.   We are cutting fresh thistles for the mommies, who crunch down happily on the thorns that cause humans to shriek in pain.  Don't know how they keep from puncturing their gums.  Red mohair dyes beautifully so I don't mind it a bit.  I'm planning on doing a black wool/black mohair run without color in it for the natural enthusiasts and myself.  Still hoping to knit a Gansey on of these days, and weave some rugs.  Many black fleeces in bags and boxes to go through and pick.  Luke is happy to help with anything I ask him to do, but he prefers to dig and tote.  Fine with me.  I got him in a bubble bath in the big old bath tub last night.  He is sparkly clean.  It's been too cool to swim in the pond but warmer temps are on the way.  The dogs chewed through the last screen in the living room while we were out yesterday.  Woe is me.  It's going to be a little buggy around here.   Matt is off on another happy trip to Buffalo.  A community college out there is building a weatherization training house funded by the last remaining ARA funds and he is supervising the construction.  All those contractors at odds with each other and him far away in Syracuse makes for tense times.  I have a bag to make for a very patient customer, and tons of lovely fabric to fashion into something functional and beautiful.  We are hoping for a visit from the Kingston Parkinsons and Auntie Mia very soon. 


  1. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Monkey is awaiting Independence day for her grand reveal :) Somehow the queen of all she surveys needs a grand firework display to make her day even more special.
    Kim and the crew

    PS when do you want us

  2. Sara Hartman9:04 PM

    Both the kids and the kidlets are adorable - thanks for your photos and your wonderful blog!


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