Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Farm Visit

Eric and family stopped for the night on their way to the new BSA assignment in Portland, Maine.  After three days of driving from Texas they pulled in around dinner time yesterday.  I was thrilled to see everyone and vice versa.  Eric is driving Annie's Toyota Land Cruiser pulling a trailer full of his "toys" while Annie drove the 1980's Mercedes, purchased from an Iranian restauranteur in Hollywood, Ca.  Hannah and Luke were thrilled to meet the new angora goat kids.  After a spaghetti dinner we set about doing chores.  It was great to have help in the barn.  Our evening plans were to build a campfire, roast marshmallows, chat and catch up on the two years that I haven't seen my son.  It's been a year since I've been with my grand kids.  Way too long.  Rain clouds were rolling in as Luke built the fire but we ignored them.  Finally a down pour chased us inside.  Luke really wanted to watch Forrest Gump together, which we did, snuggling on the sofas with the doggies.  Annie and Eric bedded down in Hannah's Celebrity Trailer which I had all tricked up with candles and little white lights.  They got a good night's rest before I filled their bellies with Swedish pancakes and French Roast this morning.  Mom and Dad went on to set up temporary residence at a Boy Scout camp while the purchase of their lovely Cape Cod home in Gorham, Maine, is completed.  I have Hannah and Luke to myself for a few weeks, after which I will drive them to their new home.  So nice to have their good company and help on the farm.  We have a lot of time to catch up on.

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